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5 indoor plant staples every home needs

By Catherine Rayward

Trends come and go, but these five indoor plants will be your home’s best fronds forever. Before getting trendy with a fiddle leaf fig or monstera, collect the plants that never go out of style.

They’re the clean, green, air-purifying machines that make your home look and feel infinitely better.

Linda Vydra, co-founder of The Jungle Collective, says: “Indoor plants give us some serious long-term benefits when we allow them to do what they do best, which is grow – they’re an investment!”

“There’s considerable research highlighting the benefits plants have on air quality, mental health, sleep, and even productivity.

“Plus, having some connection with nature is an innate part of the human psyche and as we move increasingly into cities and higher density living, bringing some nature indoors is a necessary adjustment,” she says.

Beyond health benefits, plants make for a truly beautiful way to breathe new life into a space, and it’s incredibly rewarding to witness a living thing thrive in an environment you’ve gone out of your way to provide for.

To celebrate April as World Garden Month, we’re bringing you the five indoor plants that never go out of style.

1. Peace lily

Peace lilies are timeless, elegant, lush, refreshing, low maintenance and one of the best air-purifying plants on the planet! They can also have stunning white spathes when placed in sunnier spots, though the foliage is beautiful in its own right, too.

Peace lilies are one of the more easy-going plants around. They can tolerate both dark and brighter spaces, making them highly flexible and durable.

Caring for your peace lily

Peace lilies are surprisingly drought tolerant and most people kill them from over-watering rather then under-watering.

Before watering, check with your finger to see if the soil is damp. If it is, hold off until it’s dry, and fertilise only once or twice a year.

2. Devil’s ivy

Ignore the name: There’s nothing evil about these guys, they’re absolute angels! Devil’s ivy are in many ways a dream plant. They’re beautiful, fast-growing, easy to care for, simple to propagate and again, one of the better air-purifying plants.

From a design perspective they’re quite flexible. You can get them growing up totems or trellis/wall sculptures, or have them hanging and trailing down. This flexibility always helps them adapt with trends, giving them a timeless edge.

Caring for your devil’s ivy

Like peace lilies, these guys aren’t super fussy about their placement and can handle fairly dark spaces all the way through to bright spots with a couple of hours of direct sunlight. Watering once a week is generally enough.

3. Boston fern

Found on just about every patio, the Boston fern’s lush green instantly creates a sense of freshness, and you can almost tell just by looking at it that it’s an air-purifying machine.

As far as ferns go, these guys are fairly hardy and can be a great feature plant to liven up a space.

Caring for your Boston fern

These guys prefer a cool position with no direct sunlight. They thrive in humidity, so allow the soil to remain damp. It’s often worth giving them a good soaking once a month on top of regular watering.

4. String of pearls

Like a fine wine, these guys get better with age, so even if they’re not the most on-trend plant at the time, chances are yours will be pretty impressive if you stick with it for a few years.

Caring for your string of pearls

Some people really struggle with the string of pearls, and their demise is almost always a result of too much love.

They can be sensitive to overwatering, so it’s recommended that you water them just once a month in summer and once every six weeks over winter.

They do best in bright spots, even with direct sun, and need well-draining soil like a cacti mix.

5. Mother in law’s tongue or snake plant

These will always be popular simply for how easy they are to take care of. Don’t be fooled by the less-than-friendly name, either; these guys just so happen to be one of the best air-purifying plants around, and can convert CO2 to oxygen while you sleep, making them perfect for bedrooms.

Caring for your snake plant

A fantastic plant for beginners or those seeking low-maintenance options, these fronds are fairly high on the unkillable spectrum.

They’re also super versatile, and capable of handling full sun through to the darkest corners of a room. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings – they’re highly drought tolerant and can be killed from over-watering.

Watering once a month throughout winter is often enough.

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